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pacifly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Lake Siljan位於Stockholm北方約三小時左右火車車程,是瑞典境內第六大的湖泊。鐵道沿著湖畔幾個主要村落行駛,每天都有班次從Stockholm發車,沿途經Arlanda機場、Uppsala,終點站是Lake Siljan北端的Mora。

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訂了很奇怪的班機時間,前晚八點多就準備就寢,雖然還是拖到了九點多才真的入眠。凌晨兩點半鬧鐘響時,有些吃力的起床刷牙洗臉,背上行李走到對街去搭前往Stansted機場的National Exrpress客運。

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Leong San Tong Khoo Kongsi

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I still remember my first visit to Malaysia two and half years ago. I stayed there for three nights before I went on my first journey to the UK. It was already ten o’clock in the night when I arrived in central Kuala Lumpur. The hostel I booked should be two blocks away from the metro station but a local showed me a completely wrong direction. I walked around the nearby area alone, desperately wanting to know where I was. I once stepped into a very dark alley way and went passed a crowd of men whose night just began. I was terrified because I never travelled by myself and running into trouble the first night seemed to prove that my mom was right to try to stop me before we said good bye. Finally I located my position on the map and managed to find where I was and luckily a very friendly security guy in a bank read my map carefully and consulted two of his colleagues before showing me directions.  

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pacifly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What do people do with their one-week holiday abroad? I bet you’ll never hear itineraries like mine with six flights in a week. I mean I was not on business trip at all, although it seemed like it in some way.

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